Wednesday, February 1, 2012

From ponytails to velcro head

Nathan was a movie extra last fall and had to grow out his hair and beard.  After filming ended, he decided he liked all this hair and kept growing it, with various changes to his facial hair.

Then he decided he wanted to donate it to Locks of Love - or as he kept mistakenly calling it, "Kids for Cancer"  - so it got even longer.  He even started putting it in a high ponytail (ay-yi-yi) and one day a female at school braided it to match her hair style.

Last night he was finally ready to chop it.  I separated it into lots of ponytails first.  Side note - I always use a pencil to part hair because that's what my mom did.  Does anyone else do that?

He buzzed off the first few ponytails and then made me do the rest.  I hate holding things that vibrate; it was past my bedtime; and I was getting sick.  I was willing to make the sacrifice though - so tired of all that hair!

He's adjusting to life without hair again.  He says his head is cold and feels like Velcro.

1 comment:

Amy said...

So is he keeping those crazy sideburns???