Monday, June 27, 2011

Locks of love

For those of you who haven't already seen (and made sweet comments) on Facebook, I chopped my hair. Nathan cut off a 12-inch ponytail and then I had my second-ever professional haircut. It was a really different experience. My hair has so many layers! It's so short, argh! I know it was time for a change though and I don't regret it. It will just take some time to get used to it.

This is the second time I've cut off my hair to donate to Locks of Love. The first time we cut 14 inches. Jaime and I screamed our way through the cutting. This time wasn't traumatic. I was so ready for it to be gone. The part that made me nervous was going to the salon. I wasn't sure what the end result would be.


Amy said...

Love it! But to me, that's still really long. Looks beautiful and healthy.

Jaime said...

It looks FABULOUS!!!