Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'd like a taco and a ring please

I just saw this news article about a couple who got married in Taco Bell. All of a sudden, I remembered crazy plans from my teenage years! I had this one boyfriend and we ate at Del Taco all the time. So often that at the location by our houses, they recognized our faces immediately and joked around with us. In the location by my work, they recognized my voice over the drive-thru loud speaker and knew I didn't want any hot sauce without even asking.

Anyway, I can't remember if it was just my idea or if we thought it up together, but we were going to have our wedding reception at Del Taco. We figured we could close up the location for a few hours, at least the inside seating, and everyone could order what they wanted. We could have a relaxed reception and pay the total bill at the end.

Ahh, memories...


Spinster Family said...

thats sounds so much like the bathroom tour. You are a genius.

Michelle said...

Only you Cherish.. LOL! Can you imagine if you had actually done that. WOW.. The things we think of when we are young as compared to now.

Jaime said...
