Partially inspired by
my friend Danna's recent post, I taught myself how to darn yesterday, using an
Internet article. I didn't have the right color embroidery floss and it's not beautiful, but considering I was previously planning to throw away Nathan's sock, I think it's a good first try. Nathan said he would wear it.

Alright, Danna, it's your turn to try!!!! :)
OK! That is just too suzy-homemaker!! What is it about you and your sisters that makes me feel soo inadequate as a wife and homemaker!? JK! I have a great respect for all of these talents and skills you all have! :)
Can I just send you my old slipper? :) I'll check out the artical! :) Thanks!
Of course you can! After all, I don't have 3 kids so I have a bit more time.
Do you remember when I used to use a light bulb for inside the sock I was darning? Mmm, maybe before your time, come to think of it...
Anyway, maybe I should pass on to you the thingamajig (I think it's called a darning egg, or somethin').
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