We had a fantastic Christmas. We flew to CA after work on Thursday, Dec 20th. The night before, I got 45 minutes of sleep, because I was trying to get everything finished. I slept on my lunch break and a few minutes on the flight, but that's it. I never did catch up, as the remainder of my nights were kinda busy with family and friends.
Friday morning, we visited my parents and my grandma. Nathan promptly fell asleep in my parents' living room and I had to wake him up for a yummy waffle breakfast. My dad had borrowed a baritone and so he and Nathan made fabulous music together! It was really neat watching them play together.

After that, we drove to Solvang. We had reserved a timeshare to spend a nice weekend with my sisters and their families. Jaime got pregnant and nauseous so they couldn't come (but we're so thrilled that she's pregnant!). We had a relaxing night and wandered the shops before Janice arrived. We browsed the cute town more after Janice arrived and then did Christmas presents and game night.

We went to church the next morning. My little niece wandered the row behind us and smiled at everyone. She's really getting big and she let me hold her a few times. After lunch and another game in which I got trounced, we drove back to Orange County and visited the Strickler's for yet more Christmas fun (and a luscious turkey dinner)! Nathan got a remote control plane and after flying it in circles, landed it on the roof and couldn't get it down. We had to send Ben up on the roof to get it down, and Ben refused to come down until Nathan learned how to fly the plane.

On Monday, we visited more friends and family. Jaime found something that relieved her nausea, so we went last-minute shopping!!!! Claire's had their Christmas jewelry on clearance and I got 10 pairs of Christmas earrings for a total of $3.77. You can't beat that.
We did Christmas photos as a Weinstock family..... too bad we were wearing cheap t-shirts in not-my-best-color. I picked out a couple I like enough to share.

I didn't spend as much time wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve this year. I took lots of mini-naps and woke up to help a bit and then sleep again. On Christmas morning, the twins and I dumped out our stockings and giggled a lot, as usual. Once Nathan was up, we tossed candy at Jacob and eventually stuck candy between his toes. That was pretty funny as he tried to get it out, half asleep.

I'll do another post sometime this week with presents and present-opening pictures.
After Christmas afternoon with the cousins (Gauthier's and Newland's), we rushed off to the airport only to encounter a flight delay. By the time we got home after digging out the car from the snow that slammed Utah while we were gone, it was 2AM. The cats were so glad we were home and we all slept in the living room so they could be with us.
Thanks to everyone who made Christmas special!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh those pictures turned out way cuter than I thought they would. Bonus! Hey change my standing on your link to my blog as I am up and bloggity blog blogging again. Love you!
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